
Sep 7, 2023 | Supporters

Resist LogoWe’re proud to announce that has granted $4,000 to Lakota LockUp Project. The funds will be used for expenses related to interviewing incarcerated Native Americans and developing their stories of abuse and inequity in their own words… “Voices Unlocked”… in a way that promotes understanding of life as a Native person engaged in a justice system, awareness by the outside world, and opportunity to pass on their experiences to begin their personal healing. In addition, the funding will support initial development of a tool kit and information designed to help persons coming into the South Dakota prison system (especially Native Peoples) know and advocate for their rights within the legal system.

RESIST is a foundation that supports people’s movements for justice and liberation, through redistribution of resources to frontline communities at the forefront of change while amplifying their stories of building a better world. Their history begins in 1967, and has kept them on the front line supporting radial visionary activists from coast to coast starting with resistance to the Vietnam War and quickly expanding to the civil rights movement and beyond. Throughout it’s history, RESIST has provided critical early funding to some of the most influential progressive organizations in the US – many of which have gone on to make history themselves. In total, RESIST has since granted more than $7 million to over 5,000 dedicated groups across the United States.

See our Winter 2023 newsletter “Voices Unlocked” for a sample of our first efforts.