
Liberated Voices

The Newsletter for the Lakota LockUp Project

Welcome to Liberated Voices, which gives those who are incarcerated or formerly incarcerated, a voice to share their experiences and struggles with the world. This opportunity will not only provide a form of healing for our relatives, but also an avenue to gain support and an opportunity to seek change for Indigenous Peoples. In the coming months, we will be bringing the world more voices and more healing as we walk toward change! Thank you for listening!

Spring 2024 Newsletter

Spring 2024 Newsletter

Liberated Voices

Volume #3 | Spring 2024

THIS PAST DECEMBER 21st LLUP held a third Talking Circle, involving about 20 participants. Robert Horse Stands Waiting and Phillip Yellowbird Still called in from the Durfee State Prison in Springfield, SD, and spoke about the effects of incarceration on themselves and on the indigenous popultation. Stephanie Yellow Eagle and Stacey Low Dog share about their work for indigenous justice.

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Fall 2023 Newsletter

Fall 2023 Newsletter

Liberated Voices

Volume #2 | Fall 2023

SUMMER 2023 FOUND LLP actively engaged in events that support the Native American community in Rapid City and across South Dakota. Members of Lakota Lockup Project joined the “March for Justice: Holding Police Accountable” in July as they carried our LLP banner down the Main Street of Rapid City.

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Winter 2023 Newsletter

Winter 2023 Newsletter

Liberated Voices

Volume #1 | Winter 2023

WELCOME TO OUR FIRST ISSUE. The Lakota LockUp Project advocates for American Indians affected by the justice system, to support innovative approaches for cultural and historical trauma survival, rebuilding lives, economic justice, traditional family services, substance and alcohol abuse treatment, and equal access to education, thus strengthening communities.

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